Who We Are
Operation Blazing Sword is a grass-roots organization dedicated to helping everyone, but especially queer people, become responsible firearm owners. If you think you may need a firearm for armed self-defense but don’t feel comfortable going to a shooting range or a gun store by yourself, seek out any of our queer-friendly volunteer educators. They will teach you the basics of firearm safety, operation and ownership for no cost and without judgement for your race, gender, sexual orientation, biology, faith, or manner of dress.
Operation Blazing Sword’s Three Goals
1. To educate anyone in the basics of firearms safety and operation, enabling them to make an informed decision regarding whether or not owning a gun is right for them.
2. To demonstrate that gun owners do not hate LGBTQ people, and in fact want them able to protect themselves from violence.
3. To champion the fact that responsible gun ownership is a human right. All living beings have an inherent right to self-defense, and firearms are the most effective means of self-defense.
If you or someone you know wants to learn about firearms in a non-judgmental and safe environment, please reach out to one of our many volunteer instructors for free basic instruction.
More About Us
Petition for Certiorari Filed in Antonyuk v. James
A Case for Second Amendment Rights in Public Spaces Operation Blazing Sword – Pink Pistols is proud to announce the filing of an Amicus Curiae brief in Antonyuk v. James, a petition for certiorari which asks the Supreme Court to examine the Second Circuit’s ruling in the case, which mostly upheld New York’s new “sensitive places” laws that ban carry
Victory in Antonyuk v. Nigrelli
New York Gun Law’s Social Media Disclosure Requirement Blocked For Violating First Amendment New York City, New York, 8 December 2023: In a landmark ruling, the First Amendment was successfully used to defeat an infringement upon the Second Amendment. This past February Operation Blazing Sword – Pink Pistols filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals
Is This Kristallnacht 2.0?
Today is the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, a violent night of vandalism, arson, looting, and assault upon Jewish people, their homes, their business, and their synagogues. The murders and arrests which followed The Night of Broken Glass were just the beginning of the persecution of European Jews in the 1930s and 40s, culminating in the concentration and extermination camps of
State of the Sword 2023
Seven years ago yesterday, an atrocity occurred. Seven years ago today, a diverse group of people banded together to claw hope from the wreckage of that atrocity, and through their efforts Operation Blazing Sword was born. Seven years later, and we have accomplished so much: We have 1,560 volunteer firearm educators in every state of the USA, along with volunteers
Proud of Pink Pistols Atlanta
Over the past six months, the Atlanta Chapter of the Pink Pistols has been doing amazing things for its members. While everyone was still reeling from the Club Q shooting in November of 22, Pink Pistols Atlanta held a Stop The Bleed class in early December, which was taught by local firefighters and paramedics from the organization Frontline Medical Defense.
Liability Disclaimer
The head of the Triangle, NC Pink Pistols chapter came up with the fantastic idea of having a disclaimer indicating that Pink Pistols is not any kind of militia or armed security, and that if any of our members makes the decision to use deadly force in defense of themselves or another, it is 100% their personal choice and that