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Amicus Brief Filed in Antonyuk v. Nigrelli

New York Gun Law’s Social Media Disclosure Requirement Violates First Amendment and Invites Discrimination   New York City, New York, 8 February 2023: Operation Blazing Sword – Pink Pistols, alongside the Asian Pacific American Gun Owners Association, the DC Project Foundation, the Liberal Gun Club, the National African American Gun Association, and the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, filed…

Press Release: AC Brief Filed Against Oregon Measure 114

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 17, 2023 Contact: Daniel Wattenburger The Historically Discriminated Coalition Supports Lawsuit to Protect Marginalized Peoples’ Right to Own Firearms  The Historically Discriminated Coalition has filed an amicus brief in the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon opposing the implementation of Measure 114. The coalition is comprised of four groups: National African American Gun Association, Inc. (NAAGA), Asian…

Press Release: Statement on Oregon Measure 114

STATEMENT ON OREGON MEASURE 114 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Daytona Beach, Florida, 17 December 2022: It is the position of Operation Blazing Sword – Pink Pistols that the recently-passed Oregon Ballot Measure 114 imposes a burdensome “permit to purchase” scheme upon all citizens, including marginalized and at-risk groups such as queer people. Much like North Carolina’s Pistol Purchase Permit, a Jim…

Press Release: The San Jose Gun Tax is Unenforceable, Unfair, and Useless

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   San Jose Gun Tax: Unenforceable, Unfair, and Useless   DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA (July 5, 2021): It is the official stance of Operation Blazing Sword – Pink Pistols that San Jose’s new punitive gun tax is unenforceable, unfair, and ultimately useless. Unenforceable: The City of San Jose has no firearms registry. Furthermore, California doesn’t register non-“assault weapon” firearms. Unless…

Press Release: We Oppose David Chipman’s Nomination as ATF Director in the Strongest Possible Terms

   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Chipman Appointment: “Like a Homophobe Investigating Hate Crimes” DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA (May 29, 2021): Operation Blazing Sword / Pink Pistols opposes the nomination of David Chipman as Director for the ATF in the strongest terms possible, and for the following reasons: After Mr. Chipman retired from service with the ATF, he was employed as a lobbyist…

operation Blazing sword

Chris Cheng Speaks Before Congress

Last month, Top Shot champion Chris Cheng had the opportunity to testify before the US Senate Judiciary Committee about the importance of gun rights for all Americans, and how gun prohibition laws are discriminatory. “Are we going to let the criminal minority take away the rights of the majority, which are supposed to be guaranteed to us by our Constitution?…